The customer experience is the most important part of the guest visit to your establishment. Your staff knows their duties and what needs to get done, but in most cases, the cleaning of the bathroom is not a dedicated job. It is one additional task for a member of your team. Providing your staff with a restaurant bathroom cleaning...
There’s been quite a buzz about the quality of the customer experience in the last several years. Both online and brick and mortar business understand that “the experience” is a critical facet of gaining and retaining customers. There is, however, one part of the customer experience that is repeatedly underserved: the restroom.
As an equipment technician, I see my share of do it yourself fixes (or should I say temporary band-aids). Duct tape, electrical tape, and DIY wire splicing jobs are commonplace. The neglect and abuse on equipment that comes in for service used to surprise me. Not anymore. Nor does the quality of equipment that is brought in for...