You may think that you’re doing a diligent job cleaning up your workspaces. But a multitude of research would suggest that oftentimes the germiest places in the office are the common items we use daily that we don’t always think to clean, which highlights the importance of scheduling deep cleanings in addition to routine cleanings...
Office Cleaning,
Cleaning Tips
Have you ever been stuck in a room with odd odors that were so pungent all you could think about was how much you wanted to leave the room? Being in a room or building with unpleasant odors is never a fun experience. Not only are offensive odors distracting, they can also result in a poor customer experience.
Restroom Odor Control,
Cleaning Tips
The daily routine of cleaning a job site is one that sees you bending over, twisting from side to side, and lifting heavy things as you make sure that the area is clear for the next working day. These repetitive motions put a lot of strain on your back, and if you're not taking steps to protect yourself, you can easily wind up with...
Workplace Safety,
Facility Cleaning
A company’s greatest assets are its people. This phrase is used to describe the value of human capital in organizations across many industries. Yet “people problems” continue to be some of the most frustrating issues facing managers and organizations. In-house and contract cleaning custodial staff are certainly no exception.
Employees and Labor